Recommended Resources


I’m a proud affiliate for programs and products I’ve tested and used myself. Happy to share them here with you.

scott schwenk’s the power of presence

This is a potent training that counts toward 25 Hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education. It was specifically designed to help cultivate greater confidence with standing in your own authentic energy. By having direct, real, and aligned contact with Awareness of Awareness we can empower every aspect of our lives. As we embody the Power of Presence, everyone with whom we are in connection with is nourished.

your all-access pass to greater health and happiness

commune membership trial

I use this app every single day. It’s where I listen to guided meditations and breathwork.

Through your Commune Membership, you’ll receive guided video courses from leading teachers across yoga and meditation, food and health, spirituality, sustainability, and civic engagement, with new programs added every month.

Try your membership for free for 14 days.

radiance sutras® Meditation teacher training

This is where I trained to become a meditation teacher.

Join the 6-month program designed to deepen your meditation practice through weekly classes; a private learning platform with videos, audio material, reading assignments, exercises, etc.; group classes and workshops; and lifetime access to all the materials.

Get $100 off the Immersion or Teacher Training Track by using the code CAITLIN.


whoop® bracelet

The #1 tracking tool that changed my health journey was tracking my biostatistics. I had no idea how much my brain was lying to me about my body. Using the WHOOP bracelet, I could see what was actually happening with my body. I learned I needed to slow down.

I actually got stronger by slowing down my workouts. I have so much less brain chatter when I’m on a high recovery day. I think it’s essential to know the basics about your heart rate variability and breathing patterns.

Join waim unlimited

If you’re looking for the best value to help you grow your business with intention, join Wandering Aimfully’s WAIM Unlimited program. I love their authentic, non-sleazy methods. You can find me in the community!

Join their waitlist so you know when they open enrollment!

The great work journals

My friend Amanda Crowell created these Great Work Journals to be an empowering time management system that helps you overcome procrastination, be powerfully productive, and get more done without ever feeling overwhelmed.

Check them out on Barnes & Noble!


Reclaim Your Time Self-Paced Course

If you want to dive deeper into reclaiming your time, then check out my new course. You’ll learn how to deal with overwhelm as a high-achiever that moves beyond planners and calendars. This is the best way to work directly with me in 2023.


Clarity through design thinking

Are you feeling stuck on how to change your career? My friend Rebecca Fraser-Thill offers an amazing group program called, “Clarity Through Design Thinking.” I recommend this for people who are looking for solid direction and in a different environment than 1:1 coaching.